External partners
A ready to implement, cost-effective, Membership platform to maintain & improve mental wellbeing
A stand-alone programme for Companies that do not commit to any other contractual expectations
One-stop place for employees to avail of all things wellbeing
Is not integrated into the Company's own computer systems thereby removing security and IT implications
Monthly motivational emails to help with commitment to, and engagement with, the programme
Available worldwide
Understand how it works here: video
Try before you buy*
Things you should know: Expressions Partnership Limited, Company Number 09075872 is registered with Companies House, UK.
Costings are worked out based on the number of annual memberships requested.
Anonymous and collective data specific to the company becomes available to reflect the needs and concerns of employees
*Will include a virtual meeting to show and share the programme.
Yvonne Rosney
Transparency: I am an associate of Expressions Partnerships Limited. This means I may avail of contract terms with them as needed for other projects and will receive a fee if you choose to avail of these memberships. I personally offer ongoing relationship management in relation to the WAM programme or other needs as may seem fit.
All statements and opinions are my own and Expressions Partnership are not responsible for the content or links posted on this website.